2023 Hero Scholarship
As a way to show gratitude for those who serve our country and communities, Southern Ohio Artisan Workshops will again offer a scholarship to former or current US Military Personnel, Law Enforcement Officer, or Firefighter. This "Hero Scholarship" is sponsored entirely by a group of students and the instructors of the SOAW Gunmakers' Workshop. The recipient will have all class fees paid, and the cost of onsite meals and lodging will be fully covered for the March 19-25, 2023 session of the Gunmakers' Workshop at Canter's Cave in Jackson, Ohio. Additionally, the recipient will be provided with a free set of longrifle parts and additional materials. A selection of hand tools will be needed ; a tool list will be provided to the winning entrant.
The class is an intense, enjoyable week of rifle stocking from a blank primarily using hand tools such as chisels, files and rasps. While there are many new skills and techniques to learn, we maintain a friendly, low pressure environment with a focus on learning to understand the art of the longrifle.
To apply for the scholarship, you must submit a short essay outlining your interest in building and / or using muzzleloading longrifles , your skill set with hand tools, any prior gunbuilding experiences (kit or scratch built), and the reasons why you want to take on this challenge. Please respond with your essay (including your contact info) to both Ian Pratt at ipratt360 at gmail.com and Ken Gahagan at kgahagan4 at gmail.com by no later than February 1, 2023. The winning entrant will be notified February 8th, 2023.